I went to Norway to die

Per Berglund in front of his flagship

John Wannerot
Per, do you realize that you have written a spiritual classic that will be read by future generations?

Anne-Charlotte Steen
"Thank you, Dear Per, for sharing your story in this wonderful book! With laughter and tears, I have had my questions answered and many AHA experiences. The chapter on "Hope" was the best thing I have ever read."

Simon Renöfält
"Raw, powerful, funny and touching!
Per addresses topics such as pain, grief, guidance, surrender and much more that pertains to human life with wisdom and humor. If you are curious about A Course in Miracles, this is an excellent hold-no-punches introduction."

Magnus Bohlin
"A book that has it all: Fine-tuned sadness, snorting joy, naked intimacy, piercing anguish, and ultimately completely liberating jubilation! Read this to understand how A Course in Miracles touches us in everything"

Maria Wildhjerta
I was overwhelmed by this book. I recognize myself in the author, in the suffering and the strength. The stubbornness. This book is a great help and guide for others who are making the journey with A Course in Miracles. What you went through with your loved ones I could apply to my own family. I see how we all need to go through this to release "energy ties"/codependency. The special relationships. And discover that everything is Love - that we are all God's children. After reading half the book, I had to lie down on the bed and deal with the sadness that had grown up inside me while reading. It was about parental guilt, what I thought I had done to my children wrong (especially my oldest daughter). So nice to forgive yourself for the guilt that I thought I had. So your words really have an impact on people. I can't thank you enough for sharing your journey. I have laughed out loud several times - I LOVE your humor. And I have cried. You really feel the suffering, the love and the ego

Gunnar Hägg
This book will increase your awareness while having aha experiences, but also difficulties of desperation of all kinds, but in the depths there is the wisdom that calls to us that people have always sought. It is with a lot of humor and warmth that Per describes his self-disclosing life to all of us to come to insight!

Carina Jenefeldt
This book provides a fantastic reading experience.
Per Berglund shares his great understanding of A Course in Miracles and takes us on a journey from despair to exultant joy in union with God.
It touched me deeply and I highly recommend it!

Björn Klawitter
In Per Berglund's book, I Went to Norway to Die, we follow his very personal journey with A Course in Miracles, externally set in a small Norwegian village, framed by the wild coastal landscape, as well as accompanying the even more dramatic inner story, with strange and captivating tones and scents from Beethoven's time. The narrator's voice is in conversation with a source of wisdom that proves to be a guide to Life and a help in reconciliation with unbearable difficulties on earth. The book is at the same time a very effective introduction to A Course in Miracles and a unique description of what spiritual salvation really means. What remains after reading is gratitude, towards the author's personal courage to so generously share his most intimate feelings and experiences, the unique Voice with which the author is in dialogue, and the Creation we are all one with and through which the book offers a greater awareness of.

"All quotes and material referenced from "A Course in Miracles" in the book "I Went to Norway to Die" are from the Swedish translation "En kurs i Mirakler" published by Regnbågsförlaget, Mikkeli, Finland, copyright ©2007, 2010 by Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949,
acim.org, used with permission."